- 15 NW Martin Luther King Jr. BLVD Evansville, IN 47708
- info@evansvillepolice.com
United Neighborhoods of Evansville (UNOE) is a non-profit organization that currently consists of forty-two member neighborhoods. UNOE works closely with agencies such as the Department of Urban Forestry, Parks Department, Department of Metropolitan Development, Tree Board, Area Plan, Operation City Beautiful, Code Enforcement, Police Department, Sheriff’s Department, City Council, County Council and County Commissioners.
Mission Statement:
Neighborhood Associations working together to preserve, enhance, and promote the Evansville neighborhoods.
Is there an organized neighborhood association where you live? If so, which neighborhood do you live in?
To find out, check this Evansville GIS map. Read the Disclaimer, check the box to make Neighborhood Associations visible, click Refresh, then click to zoom in on the area you live in. If there is no Neighborhood Association where you live, see Getting Started for tips on how you can organize a new neighborhood association in your area. Click on the links below to view information on existing UNOE members.